رابط شرح تحدي مبارزة التحالف VS بالانجليزي

المصدر https://www.lacrinum.com/vs.html

VS-Event and how to play it


Priority #1 – What is your personal (minimum) reward of this guide per week

With minimum effort and no payment made you are able to reach 7 boxes daily with the following WEEKLY reward:

  • 3.600 Medals of Honor
  • 1.020 Diamonds
  • 9.000 Reinforcement Stones
  • 18 Rare Hero Shards
  • 12 Epic Hero Shards
  • 12 Boxes of Drone Components Level 2
  • Lots of Resources
  • 90 Boxes with a small Chance of 10.000 Diamonds each

Additionally combined with arms race (see markers) the daily/weekly benefit will increase.


Priority #2 – The Research Tree “VS”

  • 1st row to 6 points each 
  • 2nd row to 1 point
  • 3rd row to 20 points (*PRIORITY* as this sets the basic multiplier for every point)
  • 4th row to 2 points each
  • 5th row to 4 points each
  • 6th row to 1 point

This will lead to the following VS-Multipliers:

  • 130% multiplier for Radar-Missions
  • 130% multiplier for Accelerators
  • 130% multiplier for Heroes
  • 110% multiplier for Buildings
  • 110% multiplier for Research
  • 120% multiplier for Soldier Training
  • 120% multiplier for Enemy Kills
  • 100% multiplier for every other point made in VS
  • All boxes in VS-rewards are open 

This tree can be researched without any ressources (besides the one you earn within the VS anyway) and also has pretty low timings compared to the other trees. 


Priority #3 – Weekly Requirements / Things you have to keep in the inventory

    • You want to save your radar missions up to the cap for the required days (which are MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY). This means you start saving your radar missions beginning on SATURDAY and WEDNESDAY as these are leading to mandatory points in the VS. This is THE ONLY intelligent move you have to handle and time for yourself.
    • Only reroll daily for your primary Troop on an UR-Truck
    • Save the other rerolls for TUESDAY and SATURDAY to send four UR-Trucks on each day
    • Only reroll daily for at least ONE UR-Special Operation
    • Save the other rerolls for TUESDAY and SATURDAY to max-reroll UR-Operations
    • 8.000 Points in Buildingpower for release on TUESDAY (if not possible, see ACCELERATORS)
    • 2.000 Points in Researchpower for release on THURSDAY (if not possible, see ACCELERATORS)
    • 400.000.000 Points of Hero EXP
    • 12 Hero Shards (EPIC) – time with usability on hero (if struggling, keep 7 UR-shards in total)
    • 18 Hero Shards (RARE) – time with usability on hero (if struggling, keep 7 UR-shards in total)
    • 5.000 Ability Medals
    • 70 Recruting Tickets
    • If you are struggling in planning Buildings and Research on time, you can compensate these completely or partially with accelerators:
      • 2.400 minutes of buildingacceleration (for full compensation)
      • 480 minutes of researchacceleration (for full compensation)
    • If you want to play passive get a 24 hours and an 8 hours shield from the Alliance Shop to draw from late Friday (24 hours) to Saturday until the event closes
    • If you want to play aggressive get a 24 hours and additional 8 hours shields and draw them according to your own timings


Priority #4 – How to play



Task Units to spend Result Potential mix with Arms Race?
Radar Missions 53 3.047.500
RSS-Field Collection (Food) 504.000 403.200
RSS-Field Collection (Steel) 504.000 403.200
RSS-Field Collection (Gold) 302.000 403.200
  • Result: 4.257.100 Points
  • Stack Radar-Missions the day(s) before and also send your troops to RSS-Fields (Level 10) the day before (potentially resend them again in the morning)



Task Units to spend Result Potential mix with Arms Race?
UR Special Operations 6 1.800.000
UR Trucks 4 1.600.000
Building Power 8.000 336.00 CITY
  • Result: 3.736.000 Points
  • You can compenstate missing building power with building accelerators (1.200 minutes)



Task Units to spend Result Potential mix with Arms Race?
Radar Missions 53 3.047.500
Medal of Honor (Shop) 400 480.000
Research Power 6.000 252.000 RESEARCH
  • Result: 3.779.500 Points
  • Stack Radar-Missions the day(s) before and also send your troops to RSS-Fields (Level 10) the day before
  • You can compenstate missing research power with research accelerators (900 minutes)



Task Units to spend Result Potential mix with Arms Race?
Hero EXP 400.000.000 2.760.000 HERO
Recruting Tickets 70 504.000 HERO
Ability Medal 5.000 230.000
Hero Shard EPIC 12 193.200
Hero Shard RARE 18 82.800
  • Result: 3.770.000 Points
  • You can compensate the shards with UR-shards. In every case you have to check that you can use the shards on a hero on this day.



Task Units to spend Result Potential mix with Arms Race?
Radar Missions 53 3.047.500
Building Power 6.000 252.000 CITY
Research Power 6.000 252.000 RESEARCH
Killing Level 6 Soldiers 500 177.100
  • Result: 3.728.600 Points
  • You can compenstate missing building power with building accelerators (900 minutes)
  • You can compenstate missing research power with research accelerators (900 minutes)
  • Or you just kill more soldiers



Task Units to spend Result Potential mix with Arms Race?
UR Special Operations 6 1.800.000
UR Trucks 4 1.600.000
Acceleration: Buildings 660 185.196 CITY
Acceleration: Research 660 185.196 RESEARCH
Acceleration: Soldier-Training 660 185.196 SOLDIER
Acceleration: Soldier-Healing 660 185.196 SOLDIER
  • Result: 3.840.784 Points
  • You can compensate missing points with soldier kills on the enemy server (which you should do anyways to release the rewards in congress fight)


Priority #5 – Results

  • Reachable points with VS-Research as described: 23.000.000 points (average of 3.800.000 points per day)
  • Reachable points without ANY research done: 10.500.000 points (average of 1.800.000 points per day)


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